A Cheap Melbourne SEO Agency Can Ruin Your Small Business

Melbourne SEO Agency

A small business owner can find a cheap Melbourne SEO Agency appealing. “The number one spot on Google for $350-” that's how they advertise their cheap SEO service on the Internet. That is the truth. I have seen many small business owners paying for cheap SEO services. Why do small business owners hire a cheap Melbourne SEO Agency? Well, they have limitations on the budget. Not like large-scale business owners, small business owners fight a battle with their income and expenses. Anyway, hiring a cheap SEO service provider is not the solution. Of course, it can ruin your business. No matter what “cheap fellows” say on the Internet, they can't do it. Read further to know why.
* Thorough research is required for a top-class SEO service. You can't do it without spending money. Generating organic web traffic for clients is not the goal of a cheap Melbourne SEO agency. They do their best to save money. They can't afford to research. Research cost time and money. Below I am highlighting what include in an SEO research:
* A detailed site audit.
* Thorough research on competitors and keywords.
* Industry trends.
* Understanding your current reputation and the position in the market.
Sadly, cheap SEO services won't do any of the above-mentioned must-dos.
* Writing good content takes time: Which means the SEO agency will have to pay for a quality content writer. A cheap Melbourne SEO Agency can't afford to pay for a quality content writer. Well, can you find a content writer who will write quality “anything” for $10? I am highlighting all the qualities of well-written content below:
1) Original: Even a fool can copy and paste content from another website. Google and other search engines penalize websites that have unoriginal content.
2) Don't write content for search engines. Write it for your audience.
3) Focused towards the market.
A quality content writer will ask $500 per month to write 5-6 blog articles for your website. A content writer in a cheap Melbourne SEO Agency will not do it in that way.
Melbourne SEO Agency

* Black Hat SEO exposes your small business to penalties: It is a well-known fact that cheap SEO agencies use black hat SEO strategies to save money. “Sorry, sir! We can't share our SEO strategies with you.” That's what they say to their customers. “Yes, sir! We have our own SEO strategies to get you to the top spot in 48 hours.” If an SEO agency greeted you with such statements; don't hire them. I know; a few years back, black hat SEO managed to trick all the search engines. That way, cheap agencies managed to generate “fake rankings” for their clients.
Anyway, the game has changed now. Google and other search engines have learned from their mistakes. Nobody can fool them today.

Well, if you understand the whole story in details, then you will realize that good SEO is cheaper than hiring a cheap Melbourne SEO Agency. No penalties, bad names, and wastes. So, every small business owner should save money for a genuine SEO agency. No cheap agencies for the sake of saving money, please. Hundreds of genuine SEO agencies are there in Melbourne for you to hire. Do your online research about it. 


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